Thursday, June 10, 2010

Xavier Animation.avi

my Animation port folia

Frog And Croc

frog and croc


my First work in illustrator using mesh tool


Pirates of the kayal


Illustrator work just tried when i was bored.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Its my latest work in Maya (6 months ago). completed in 1 day.


Pixar is my dream studio, so i created this lamp its Pixar's Logo (LUXO).


I like Charater modeling In Maya and also in 3ds Max. I know this work is vulgar but i just tried. Its my 1st Character model work in 3ds max.


Bungy the thief escaping from jail and thanking the police man. Illustrator cs2.


Created in Illustrator cs2.

Painted In Photoshop

This is an inspiration from a Chinese Painting, Drawn in Photoshop cs2. I just used brush tool and took 15 minutes to complete it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

First Work in Photoshop

It's my photoshop's First work. I use brush tool and smudge. I took 1 week to create this image.